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Cheap Cooling System
It's an age-old problem, you are carrying your young 'un and feeling the heat, thinking if only you had some way to cool down? And then, as if by magic, your prayers are answered and all is good with the world again. Kind of.
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When you are stuck in the desert you'll do anything for a bit of fun - WTF?
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Finally, here's one you CAN try at home! Almost undoubtedly fake but kinda funny none the less - Ownage FTW!
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It's all about those lovely leafy lumps. This could just be a freak occorrunce or it could be the first recorded image of the fabled booty tree. Either way I totally wanna give it a little squeeze.
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There's an emergency in the building and you have to exit fast, only problem is that to get yourself free means smashing something to bits and the little guy doesn't look too happy about it!?
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You know when you just have to send that text message - It looks like this was one of those times.
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Xzibit is famous for putting things in things so you can do something while you're doing something, but he has finally met his match!
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They should put this in the Oxford English Dictionary under the word desperation. Dog will do anything for a tasty treat, this one will even lick carpet.
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Sure, it's a worthy cause but the video makes it all a bit too simplistic. Like Kony is the only bad thing in the region and everything will be sunshine and light with him out of the picture. Either way, trolling is always lolz.
Comments: 2
Have you ever wondered who and what the CEO of Firefox looks like? It's a question that plagues us all eventually. Well finally he's been revealed and it's good to see he's repping the fox look. Foxy!
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If you were bored at home & posted an update to your FB account that if you got 300 likes you'd go into school the next day dressed in a dress (boys only) with full make-up, would have the balls to actually do it?
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