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Bundaberg Rum
To advertise their rum they decided to do terrible things to a crocodile. For this they had to issue a formal apology. Then their apology needed apologising for. Stick to making the rum, eh guys?
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All kittens should be accompanied by a full orchestral score, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. This is far to entertaining to be just a one off, I demand more dramatically musical kittens!
Comments: 2
It's real-life Modern Warfare 3 set to the sounds of Creedence Clearwater Revival, showing a montage of one soldier's experiences in Afghanistan from the POV of his helmet cam. There's no respawning here.
Comments: 24
This is pretty much video format of what i spent my childhood doing. Buying matchbox cars and driving them around with my brother all day. So cool. Who needs blockbuster Fast & Furious movies?
Comments: 5
This is one tough cookie—an iron bar, steel spears and even an electric drill couldn't break through the skin of Zhao Rui, a 24-years-old Shaolin monk badass. What the heck is he made of, titanium?
Comments: 399
If game shows were comprised of just this, i'd watch them all. It takes a special kind of person to think that an operating room is where you might find an operator and this compilation is chock full of special people.
Comments: 0
A motorcycle & a mini-truck are driving down a street when the mini-truck crashes to avoid the bike attempting a stoppie. Who's at fault? Answer: India, for pretending mini trucks are an acceptable mode of transportation.
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It's not often you see a touching tribute to a deceased cockroach. That's mainly because exterminators aren't the sentimental types, but that doesn't stop this from being interesting and pretty much unique.
Comments: 1
A little known but tragic disease also know as the 'Duke Nukem disease'. It's difficult to estimate the number afflicted but it's thought to be many, far too many.
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A make-believe matador nearly gets gored by several Formula 1 racers
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This is without doubt the most eighties thing you have ever seen. It's 80% more eighties than anything that was created in the 1980s. If this was even one iota more eighties it would cause the universe to collapse in on itself. Fact.
Comments: 6