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Bullet Prank Scare
Prepare to be amazed by some serious dumb behaviour. It's hard to decide which we recommend less between shooting any kind of gun in your home and shouting "Stop! Stop! Stop!" to protect yourself from gunshots.
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Locked doors: Superman's other weakness. The Daily Planet is not going to reimburse his tuition if he keeps bolting from class like that.
Comments: 6
Here are some awesome animated optical illusions. when you pull lined acetate over the top of them they animate before your very eyes. Cool concept, but I kinda wanna see it done with some classic animated gifs, just for lolz.
Comments: 2
Remember kids, in soviet Russia kite flies you. All you need to get some serious air on a lake is a rather large pool inflatable and a friend with a jet-ski, the rest, as they say, is down to the size of your balls.
Comments: 1
Frisky little canine just wants to show his appreciation for his ladyfriend the only way he knows how - airbumming. Either that or he's actually doing his best to get busy but has really poor depth perception.
Comments: 7
After more Lego themed games than you could shake a multitude of sticks at it's about damn time that they moved into creating feature length movies in the inimitable Lego style. Here's what that might look like.
Comments: 8
Man, that must be one tiny cameraman. Otherwise he wouldn't have gone quite that far.
Comments: 1
The hilarious spoof commercial featured on the “Freemium Isn’t Free” episode, which satirized the not-so free-to-play mobile games designed to swindle the masses for cash.
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This wannabe ninja hides in the rafters of a garage and scares the hell out of his brother.
Comments: 2
Flashmobs are lame. This is a universal truth. The guy on the right hand side of this video somehow manages to make this one worth watching due to his unbridled enthusiasm and the sheer joy it is giving him to join in.
Comments: 1
This dude makes that woman that put a cat in a bin look like a god damned amateur. He manages to get his cat caught in his lawnmower, churns it around and around for a bit before letting it escape unharmed. Skills.
Comments: 10