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Brutal Nutshot On Park Bench
Never, ever attempt anything, just stay in front of that computer and keep watching other people fuck stuff up. That way you'll never be humiliated like this bozo. Although you may become annoying, obese, and die of diabetes.
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A couple hot petite webcam girls get together and show their affection for the fans - Sometimes life is a wonderful thing :)
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We all know what a train going through a tunnel symbolises, but with this guy the symbolism is actual — just the mere sight of a train sends him into fits of pleasure. Or maybe he’s just a freak.
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By now you’ve probably seen Google’s latest bid for total global domination – Google Glass, it records everything you do and think so that Google can spam you with relevent ads and sell you out to the police.
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How did the idea of Santa sneaking in the house while everyone sleeps become the social norm, at least thats how this kid sees it and it's going to keep this girl wide-awake this Christmas Eve for sure.
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Desperate times call for desperate measures, just make sure your buddies are the ones to try them. These Canadian fisherman are not having any luck so they send two men out to try and locate the fish. WTF!?!
Comments: 1
Cor blimey guv-naa, a bunch of eastenders have to battle their way out of a zombie-strewn London, in this film that pits the loveable cockney against the not so loveable flesh-eating undead.
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Brock Baker is the Man of a kajillion billion zillion voices - In just 3 minutes he manages to run through 18 characters from the TV show Family Guy, like a boss.
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It appears that he was headed back to the rack with the other dumbbells. PTFO!
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How hard is it to make a rap song without using the letter E? The LA-based rapper spits out lyrics minus that one member of the alphabet and even manages to make the song make sense too. Wll don.
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Halloween is pretty much here again and it's time to out-do your neighbour - You know you've made it when someone themes a Halloween light show around your song 'What Does the Fox Say'. Amazing!
Comments: 4