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Bootleg Fireworks Explosion Gone Bad
After seeing this July 4th fireworks fail, the British were finally able to accept that letting go of America was in their best interests. Some things you just don't buy cheap because it probably means it might kill you.
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This is like the funniest thing you're going to see this all day. Just wait for it. This dumb little hamster is running as fast as the wind on winged roller skates. And then, well you'll just have to watch it.
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Everyone's seen the pyramids and the great wall of China. They're totes mainstream. How about some awe inspiring wonders you can behold while maintaining your hipster credentials? You're welcome.
Comments: 7
CinemaSins takes a stab at the original Terminator film and counts up all the sins that lie within. There were many, many of them but it’s still much, much better film than Terminator 3.
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Do dogs react to magic? Watch as magician and mentalist Jose Ahonen vanished some dog treats under their noses. And don't worry, all the dogs got treats before and after the trick.
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Filmmaker Devin Graham used a Zorb to reenact a real life version of the famous opening boulder chase scene from Steven Spielberg's classic film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. And it's epic.
Comments: 193
A classic compilation of complete douche bags being complete douche bags, with some perfectly timed classical music just for you. Brilliant!
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"On me 'ead son!" gets a whole new meaning as these kids show off their ball -- and larking about -- skills pulling off headshots with great finesse. It takes a lot of practice, and some long-suffering friends, to get an aim like that.
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How did the idea of Santa sneaking in the house while everyone sleeps become the social norm, at least thats how this kid sees it and it's going to keep this girl wide-awake this Christmas Eve for sure.
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Naughty little Ginger shows off her NICE oiled up body to celebrate the season.. any excuse for an oiled up babe in a webcam video is a good excuse if you ask me!.
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I'm not a parent, but I know not to let my toddler just waddle around an area where people are flying around on zip-lines. Lucky for these people, this toddler is just fine.
Comments: 3