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Blindfolded Half Court Shot Prank FAIL
Kansas high school students set up this prank so that they'd cheer like their coach made the half court shot even when he missed...no one expected him to actually ...
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When meeting the Queen of England, it’s important to cock your leg out in the manner befitting a 12th century nobleman and then shuffle it about in a manner befitting a 21st raver.
Comments: 0
Watching a couple of guys testing the durability of a condom might not sound like fun, but you'd be surprised. If you haven't seen this sort of thing before you'll probably enjoy it. I know I did.
Comments: 0
So you've already seen the single largest firework on gods green earth, now it's time to check on the noisiest and brightest fireworks display ever. No idea how much this cost but turning night into day isn't cheap...
Comments: 1
Sometimes you have to treat your instruments with respect, whether they are attached to you or you play them. This was instant karma for the torture he put the guitar through.
Comments: 5
Nutshots like this one prove, time and time again, that boredom is the true mother of invention. Pain through thought is a sweet reward!
Comments: 26
Ever wondered what supervillains get up to once they're retired from a life of crime? Here's what Banes been upto since he tried to take over Gotham and complete Ra's Al Ghul plan for destruction and rebirth.
Comments: 9
The Slow Mo Guys, Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy, teamed up with YouTube to recreate some super slow versions of popular internet memes, like "Deal with It" and "Come at Me Bro"—the results are pretty awesome.
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Now this is just low down and plain NASTY, but great to watch someone else in total pain! I'm pretty sure he just stained his boxers, and I don't think it was the paintballs - OMG!
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Tony Gerrard was feeling the pressure and he steps up to take a penalty kick. BUT! My God what happens next will have you doubting his skills, not just as a football player, but as a human being. Fail.
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Australian politician Bill Shorten gets caught out in an interview not knowing what his PM has said but flatly agreeing with whatever it might be. Impressive loyalty but staggering stupidity.
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