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Bad British NFL Commentary
Britain's premier sports commentator Anthony Richardson is back to announce this year's Superbowl Semi Finals between Alabama and Notre Dame. Nice of the NFL to include a French team, but the Parisian Cathedral came up short in this thrilling encounter.
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Can’t wait for the new iPhone? Well if this video is anything to go by it will be right up your street. Apple are focussing all their efforts on making your pictures of food better than ever!
Comments: 0
In Soviet Russia, there's no such thing as a boring snow day. They just call those 'weekdays.' Here's an example of someone making all of us look like wimps - OMG!
Comments: 4
It's been done before but by god this is awesome. A couple of knowing looks from the master of the universe, a zoom in on his furry pants and a montage of him working out, all to the cheeseball sounds of LMFAO. Genius.
Comments: 1
The first Nitro Circus the Movie 3D Trailer! Travis Pastrana and the whole crew are back together in a truly LEPICDARY action packed 3D film. Expect the impossible, ridiculous, insane, hysterical, and purely awesome!
Comments: 8
We don't need to see her whole face in this video because her well-oiled behind is doing all the talking for her, and it says a thousand words with every shudder of the cheek...
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Chatroulette is full of strange men exposing themselves, but non are stranger than this dude. Full beard and a two piece bathing suit might not work for everyone but this guy is rocking it and everyone seems to love it!
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Using an iPhone 4 and you get some slightly weird results filming a guitar. It picks up on the individual osculations of the strings at just the right frequency to make them look all cool and wibbly-wobbly.
Comments: 7
Another example of how cats are evolving to one day (soon) take over control of the planet and make us their slaves. The only weapon we have against this apocolypse is a laser pointer, gets them every time.
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Some impressive mountain biking shenanigans as filmed from their remote helicopter using a Canon 550d. It makes for some very watchable footage though it would have been even better if someone crashed into the 'copter.
Comments: 1
Cassetteboy has never been anything but the most highbrow humor. Splicing together images and video to make it look like Andrew Marr is suggesting that the queen of England get boned by the Prime Minister? Delightful.
Comments: 3