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Animals Jumping on Trampolines
Most of the internet's full of fluff, but not this video of dogs, baby goats and other animals having fun on trampolines, this will stimulate the grey matter as you ponder the philosophical implications of a cat bouncing up & down.
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A highly anticipated trailer to be added to the growing number that have already been mocked by these astute film connoisseurs, and it doesn't disappoint. in fact it could be their best video so far!
Comments: 2
If you look too closely at this girl's yearbook photo, it's not just her face smiling back at you...
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People come up with new, more exotic ideas for pranks every day - You can tell this dude really wanted to go the extra mile with this prank because the moose is so fresh.
Comments: 1
Sometimes things go waaay beyond stupid - I think we can be reasonably sure that only one of the bags in this stunt will last to see (and perform) another day - OMG!
Comments: 5
Freestyle BMX is a lot harder than it looks. Freestyle BMX on a ladies bike that is older than you are is even harder, but it kinda shows. This guy rides it so hard that he breaks almost every part of the bike!
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Note to all the Pop Warner coaches out there: don't teach your kids to take a hit like Tim Tebow did, even if they are playing for the Gators.
Comments: 1
Medic! We've got a man with a cracked set of teeth and a critically wounded ego.
Comments: 250
An ancient mechanical computer which was built to predict solar eclipses from 100 BC was discovered off the coast of Antikythera in 1901. This guy took this impressive device and built an identical replication out of Legos.
Comments: 1
It's the little things in life that make you f*%king lose it. Many things can cause it but one of the main culprits is the movie The Village. With it's obvious twist, weak story line and acting it's a definite no no for viewing.
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The votes are in and we have ourselves a winner!.. Camgirl Emi here has the cure for what ails the beauty pageant circuit these days. Miss America was never as Nawty!
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