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Amazing Yoyo Kid
Chances are you really wanted to be good at yoyoing as a kid, but in reality your yoyo just smashed into the ground every time you attempted to do a trick—this kid doesn't have that problem.
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Apparently childbirth is a wondrous thing to behold. One of nature's miracles. I'm sure it is, but I don't think I'd want to catch a glimpse of it while I was eating my spaghetti bolognese.
Comments: 4
Are you a ma...or a little baby? This guy is never going to live this down.. LOL
Comments: 3
Chest cushions so big that they'll eclipse your view! And herein lies the drawback - the one and ONLY drawback - of having giant janglies
Comments: 0
The cops arrest this dude and just before they are about to take him off to jail his buddy helps him escape. Pretty sure that's illegal too.
Comments: 204
Shortly after this, the adults thought it'd be funny have the kid snort a line of sugar off his grandma's chest. Later he passed out and woke up with a tiger in his playroom.
Comments: 3
Moving like Jabba may not win you any more chicks than moving like Jagger, but if you're really making moves like Jabba, you've got chicks chained up at your feet anyway.
Comments: 11
Meet Ed Sheeran, he’s ginger but do let that put you off. Here he is, trying to get over his ex-girlfriend by getting drunk with a cat - Remember. Never let your cat get drunk because they are a mean drunk.
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Do you like your fast food FAST? If so you should probably head on over to Nick Jays! Their food is so fast that you’ll actually meet yourself shortly after receiving your order, causing a temporal anomoly!
Comments: 0
This dude loses control of his vehicle at 70mph and besides one minor bump he somehow manages to avoid all other cars on the road.
Comments: 5
It's safe to assume most mediums are snake-oile selling confidence fraudsters and the others are simply deluded to the point of being certifiable. If there ever was a real medium, his job would be pretty hard...
Comments: 2