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Alligator Bites Trainers Hand
This guy is trying to teach a 13 1/2 foot alligator a new trick. Lets hope it goes well and he doesn't get in the mood for a human snack. So far I don't think the alligator understands his part in the trick.
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It's only February and we're already knee deep in some hilarious news bloopers, which, lets' face it, is pretty much the best thing about the news these days. This collection even features an appearance from Samuel L. Jackson.
Comments: 16
it's a surreal workout the gimps! This strange WTF music video is for TISM's song Whatareya...whatever!
Comments: 1
The visual effects wizzos decided to envision what it might look like if Superman spent a day wearing a GoPro attached to his head, whizzing around Metropolis and fighting bad guys.
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The kick itself was pretty damn impressive but what makes it even better in the way that the commentators totally lose their minds after seeing it. Kudos for Anthony Pettis though, I wouldn't want him kicking me in the face.
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Welcome to meathed central - At the Kosciuszko Community Center Deadlift competition in 2013 Mike BURRITO weighed in at 239lbs. His opening lift was 525, then I PRd his second lift at 570, then took a quick nap after trying 600.
Comments: 459
Dock Ellis and the story that made him a legend. Dude managed to pitch a no hitter while completely off his ass on LSD. proof that drugs are performance enhancing, even if you are insane to take them.
Comments: 479
Farts mixed with stupid dogs is a guaranteed good mixture. When this little guy trumps it actually makes him jump, and then he gets a wiff and likes it even less.
Comments: 19
Kids! They write the funniest internet video sketches! To get your vids noticed on YouTube it’s good to have a gimmick. The gimmick for this show is kids pretending to be a salesman and a customer.
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Had an Unforgettable Night recently? Björn Borg has teamed up with Vogue nightlife photographer Pablo Frisk and Berlin club legend Sven Marquardt , who share what makes their stories on what makes an unforgettable night.
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This is, without doubt, a pretty neat trick to pull off, and rather accomplished too—but you know what would be more impressive? Seeing them land the plane back on the trailer, now that would take some doing.
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