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Actor Hit With Real Bottle During Play
If they gave out Oscars for amateur perfomances, this dude would get one - Easily the best performance of this high school production; proof that method acting really is a painful business.
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So you've already seen the single largest firework on gods green earth, now it's time to check on the noisiest and brightest fireworks display ever. No idea how much this cost but turning night into day isn't cheap...
Comments: 1
And the award for father of the year goes to.... this guy. Well if he had caught the ball maybe, but he dropped it just like his daughter.
Comments: 38
After this impressive display of finesse and athleticism, she should have her pick of the groomsmen for sure.
Comments: 5
An idiotic DUI suspect goes into a funny rant about doing his 'maformance' test and yells repeatedly at the police officer.
Comments: 9
If you’re going to get addicted to something, rather than something horrible like that drug that makes you eat homeless people’s faces, why not get addicted to this Pogo remix instead.
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Some impressive mountain biking shenanigans as filmed from their remote helicopter using a Canon 550d. It makes for some very watchable footage though it would have been even better if someone crashed into the 'copter.
Comments: 1
We all remember that scene from the movie Big where Tom Hanks plays chopsticks on a giant piano. Well, here he re-enacts that classic moment with a little help from actress Sandra Bullock.
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I hate the fact that some movie trailers can make a crap film look awesome. A quick and dirty edit that actually makes the upcoming smurfs movie look like it might be worth a watch. Honest.
Comments: 4
“What goes on in this town is none of your busnee – ” “As long as I’m living here it is” “Well then maybe you shouldn’t be living HEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!” Bron-holm shows why he’s the most sought after actor of his generation.
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This is just a horrible prank to play on someone.. - LOL
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