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Wait For It........Wait For It!
I seriously love videos like this, you just know what is gonna happen before you start to watch it, the only burning question is WHEN this seriously cute chick is gonna fall - LOL!
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These guys play a game of baseball using a potato gun. The first pitch was a perfect strike but the second was just a bit inside.
Comments: 4
As soon as you hear the cables snap, you definitely get a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen - WHOOPS!
Comments: 1
BirGirPall has compiled a collection of his most amusing kills, trolls and general rage inducing antics in Battlefield 3 to commemorate the 2 year anniversary of his first BF3 vid. All hail the BF3 troll master.
Comments: 1
Possibly the most daring, death defying stunt you will ever see. This brave soul put his life in his hands as he sits atop a speeding sledge aimed straight for not one, not two but three firey rings. God speed.
Comments: 2
Are you a half full, or totally empty kinda giu? It looks like the water park isn't quite open for business yet. They're still in the process of filling the pools with complete idiots. WTF!?!
Comments: 1
A guide for cats who want to walk their pet human in the easiest and most effective manner. This is the only way that a cat would be willing to go for a walk with a human; if it was clear to all that the cat was in charge.
Comments: 4
Some men like their women to smell like they own them, & that’s why someone saw a gap in the market and made this. Ah, the authorial smell of control. Delightful. Now go make me a fucking a sammich!!!!
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Foil on a kitchen counter. Who would have thought that it could be this goddamn hilarious? Not me. If you've got a cat you don't want jumping on your counter tops, try this. Remember to video it though!
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He could have this man flayed alive, set on fire, forced to watch reruns of Sunset Beach or worst of all, made to eat a Pot Noodle. Unfortunately for the victim, this guy has much more fiendish torture in mind.
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After burning his back and stomach, this guy decides to light fireworks that are in his mouth. OUCH
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