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How To Walk Your Human
A guide for cats who want to walk their pet human in the easiest and most effective manner. This is the only way that a cat would be willing to go for a walk with a human; if it was clear to all that the cat was in charge.
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People are awesome. Exetreme sports people are even more so. here's a run-down of all the noteworthy acts of awesome from 2012, fromnotable video releases to the world's first 1080 air from a 12 year old.
Comments: 6
It's an epic orchestral theme and one which deserves only the highest caliber of musician to recreate it. Luckily the gentleman you are about to hear is the best melodica player in the universe. Brace for awesome.
Comments: 0
Look back on all the celebrity hype from the year that was 2013. It’s all here from Breaking Bad to Kimye’s pregnancy: Cyrus twerks, Bieber pees, can we have some real news please?
Comments: 0
This kitty either has a weight issue and wants to try and burn off some excess calories or it has identity issues & is using the washing machine as a giant version of a hamster wheel. Lets hope he cleans up his act soon!
Comments: 1
Quite possibly the greatest and most useful video you will ever see. John McAfee, the software's inventor, talks you through this one, so don't bother emailing him ever again - Even though it's impossible to remove.
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A supercut of all the behelmetted heroes in modern cinema. Well, all the ones that the guy making the supercut could find at least. There's a lot more than I was expecting to see, that's for sure.
Comments: 8
After a few beers this guy thinks he can still do a handstand but ends up losing his balance and falling face first off a platform and onto his cars bumper.
Comments: 3
I still reckon Super Mario is way cooler. Plus he has a tanooki suit.
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If you're going to get people to believe in God then get them when they're kids and all the reasoned arguments in the world won't dissuade them from their beliefs. Yay brainwashing!
Comments: 3
Trolling isn't just about being rude to someone or saying something to piss them off. It's about finding a way to get under their skin that even they didn't know about. Finding their buttons and pushing them. Hard.
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