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Red Sox Fan Speared By Security On Field
That's what you get! You don't ever run on a baseball field especially in Fenway Park. Since the lockout happened Patriots players on the on field security.
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The Japanese are pretty damn weird. This shouldn't come as news to anyone who's been on the internet before. If you need proof however, you need look no further than this gameshow where a dog humps some dude's head.
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YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG! - but sometimes actions are waay louder than words & this guy's actions are screaming FAIL-FAIL-FAIL. Witness the most hardcore way to drink tequila ever invented - OMFG!
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Man, a motorcycle trick like this, not to mention his snazzy leather jacket, must get this guy all the chicks.
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If you’re going to pick a fight with a bridge I wouldn’t recommend chancing it with this one. It’s had more wins than you’ve had hot diners. When this 100 year old bridge says YOU SHALL NOT PASS, it really means it.
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This guy attempts a long jump into the middle of a fountain but comes up inches short causing a nose-breaking faceplant.
Comments: 1
There's nothing like trivialising what could potentially be a nasty accident by putting a bit of Mario music over the top so we can all have a good chuckle. After all, what's the internet for if not to push the boundaries of bad taste.
Comments: 2
Well my friend jake was not very smart for doing this, but share on facebook and such and subscribe, if this one gets good feedback, ill post more :]
Comments: 26
All those looking-back-at-the-year types shows and articles are generally pretty shitty, full of boring crap that you hated the first time round, let alone seeing it again. But this is different.
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Skateboarding, possible the coolest & most dangerous thing you can do on a sidewalk - There's no doubting these are going to hurt like hell, some of them get hit right in the baby-maker, others just fail!
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Don't you hate when people talk loudly on their phones in public? Greg Benson from Mediocre Films does, so he decided to have some fun with it and "crash" people's calls. That'll learn them.
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