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Harsh But Fair
I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
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It's a frightening fact but if you are the father of a 9yr old daughter then the chances are you WILL have to take them & her friends to a Justin Bieber concert, it's only a matter of time :(
Comments: 0
Most guys don't know how good it feels to take off a bra after a long hard day. There are some however who do know the feeling. This guy is one of them.
Comments: 1,242
Once you can take your eyes off the cute chick in the forground you will notice that all is not as it seems on this subway carriage. Yep, you got it, thats dude's tie is totally clashing with his coat. Uggh.
Comments: 0
If you're not an avid Pokemon player then you'll be able to help this guy out. His struggling to remember where in the Pokemon canon this name lies.
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Cats might look like they're smart and as though they think they're better than you, but occasionally, everyone has to get their derp on. Evern cats.
Comments: 2
When the other half's got the painters & decorators in, what do you do if she fancies a bit of making the beast with two backs? Well if you're Jack Nicholson in The Shining, a deranged killer, even you might not be able to handle it.
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It was not his quest for life saving techniques that made Anakin Skywalker delve into the dark side. It was irritation and ridicule!
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Yep, i'm sure we all feel secretly scared about getting old, but wait, it has some serious advantages. The greatest thing about being old is being able to say exactly whatever the hell you like.
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So this guy, it must be a guy, has been asked to draw the male & female reproductive organs & what he comes up with is impossible. But the most hilarious thing is the teacher marking the homework seems impressed.
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Now why would you go and do something like this to a perfectly good face to begin with. Her mouth has grown into a wobbly pink beak, now she's more suited to a pond than the pavement. Major fail.
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