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Ejection Seat Testing
This train/plane/wtf? can get you from New York to LA in 45 minutes, but don't bring any luggage or worry about a boarding pass. And by the way, if you're wondering who the pilot is: Chuck Norris.
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This kid knows how to get DOWN!
Comments: 1
Whoever said all good action movies had to be made in Hollywood obviously had NEVER been to Uganda? This fantastic Ugandan masterpiece makes Predator & Commando look like Disney films. Just look at the fight scenes :)
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Dressage may look like, totally gay, but then again!? If you put it to a hip hop sound track it opens up a whole new realm of hipness & hilarity. Now all we need is some breakdancing.
Comments: 1
If you saw this guy in the street playing an awesome rendition of the Star Wars Theme with his one man band, then you'd just have to throw some money his way, it would be a total crime not to.
Comments: 1
Wizards, Quidditch, ginger sidekicks, and Dumbledore's unquenched man-loving - it's all true. What's false is JK Rowling, she's just millions of dollars of cash sculpted together to form a human being.
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Some people bend over backwards to entertain - I thought that after watching the first couple seconds that this video was a fake but this chick just has an amazing amount of flexibility.
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This guys spends over 15 minutes reeling in a large fish and just as they finally net him and start to pull it in the boat a sea lion jumps up and snags it away.
Comments: 2
Look back on all the celebrity hype from the year that was 2013. It’s all here from Breaking Bad to Kimye’s pregnancy: Cyrus twerks, Bieber pees, can we have some real news please?
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Ever seen a bear do its laundry? Probably not because they don't like to air their dirty garments in public, they're far too sophisticated for that. But this camera crew managed to capture it in a rare, and unbearably tense, moment.
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This is very, very impressive and to be able to do it without hurling makes it even more admirable — so if you're single and looking for a future wife, this is the right person for you.
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