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Drifting Speeder Owned by Telephone Pole
It makes for great viewing, but also for a seriously expensive garage repair bill for the owner of this car - Leave the drifting to the professionals in the Middle East and Tokyo! OUCH!
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Cats Are dicks. They can be as cute and cuddly as you like but deep down they're all dicks. I bet this guy has never woken his cat up for no reason other than being a little bit bored and lonely...
Comments: 1
It's beautiful, half-naked models bouncing around on a roller coaster. Why are you even reading this?
Comments: 1
Remember that carefully wrapped packaage that arrived all bent out of shape? You know what, we think it might be time to stop using shipping altogether. Just look at how they treat these items, not any f*cks were given here.
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If you set up a camera filming your face as you sat through these close calls, you’d probably find you’re pulling all kinds of strange expressions. it’s wince city all the way.
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It takes some balls (no pun intended) to do this. It takes even more balls to do this when you’re a set and a game down. I guess being a Romanian tennis fan is more thrilling than we know - OMG!
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Hot tubs are steamy salacious cauldrons in which countless supermodels have splashed their way into America's collective male fantasy. But like so much fungi, there's an icky reality just below the surface of the water.
Comments: 2
It's kinda like a faucet but instead of the noise of running water you're also treated to an impressive ringpiece solo. This guy tries to make it sound like an F1 engine, but I know my sounds, and that's a fart.
Comments: 1
Freestyle BMX is a lot harder than it looks. Freestyle BMX on a ladies bike that is older than you are is even harder, but it kinda shows. This guy rides it so hard that he breaks almost every part of the bike!
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It's not often you hear rappers spitting about how they buy all their clothes from a thrift store. Not only that but this is actually a pretty catchy tune. He wears you grandad's clothes. He looks incredible. Genius.
Comments: 5
The soon-to-be-retired Doctor Who (welcome Peter Capaldi) gives an interview to IGN from this year’s Comic Con. And after watching it you’ll see why he is definitely a unique personality. He’ll be sadly missed.
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