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This takes the concept of an overly attached girlfriend to a whole new level. Also, why the hell did she choose that font? It's butters, yo.
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Get ready for some total troll genius, a foolproof way to get a girl and live happily ever after - it's also 4chan advice that doesn't end in rape. I am impressed!
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After reading the strap line for this product how the hell could you ever consider putting these in your mouth without the brand name fixated in your head....But then again?
Comments: 0
This little girl takes her love for lizards just a little too far. Something tells me she's a University of Florida fan.
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In space, no one can hear you scream. And by the looks of this epic destroyer of worlds nowhere in the known universe is gonna be safe from him. you can run, but he will find you. Fear him!
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To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
Comments: 5
Want to get back at a flatmate for stealing last night's dinner and never obeying the cleaning rota? Here's how. With this little trick you can pee on their floor through a locked door and leave them baffled!
Comments: 3
Do you remember that game you used to play when you were a kid and you had to get around the house without touching the red-hot lava floor? Looks like some chicks still play it when they grow up.
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Surf's up dooood! Go grab your submarine and let's tackle some gnarly waves, you bodacious seaman. Like, using surfboards is just so 1977, it's all about the nuclear submarines these days.
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He fits!... barely
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It's not enough to walk around with a boring plastic bag any more, to stand out from the crowd you need to be busting a bag that makes heads turn. Or maybe it even features a turning head itself. This are plastic bags 2.0.
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