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Wheatley Puppet
Could this be the first signs of the technological singularity? When the robots gain self-awareness and the enslavement of the human race is set under way? Or could it just be a geek making a very impressive puppet ?
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Simply the most boss noodles that have ever been made. Pouring the boiling water into your mouth and snorting the stock is optional, though it is guaranteed to impress any attractive female coworkers who happen to see it...
Comments: 13
A pole dancing instructor demonstrates amazing control with moves so smooth she could single handedly take this sport to the Olympics. I'd definitely be an avid supporter sitting in the front row.
Comments: 1
Let’s say you were confronted by a 500 pound hyperalloy combat chassis hunk of cyborg hate from the future, you’d probably find your manners then, wouldn’t you? Otherwise, you’d be…terminated.
Comments: 0
To most of us he's known as Pastor Benny Hinn, evangelist and best-selling author, the dude who has the red phone to God almighty himself, but how WRONG you all were! Here we see Lord Benny reveal his true - Dark - colors!
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We've all been to Luzaville at some point in our lives -- it's 5am the narcotics you ingested are now a distant memory of stomach pains and spangled lips. All that's left is to board the night bus and drink yourself into oblivion.
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If you've never seen a man crafting a tiny little horsey out of molten glass but always wanted to, YO. No need to thank me, no need to send me all your cash. Naked pictures couldn't hurt though, eh? Thx.
Comments: 2
This kid tries to join the on-field celebration before getting yanked off by his dad. Now his dad is probably going to ground him: 'You can't leave your wheelchair for two weeks!'
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Obviously, the guy with his arms in the air has had waay too much to drink - OMG
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Insane Clown Posse fans rejoice! Finally, a dating site that cares about the diverse needs and desires of today's modern Juggalo, so if you're a Juggalo and you're alone, then hook up with a freak just like you.
Comments: 2
According to the boys working on the latest iteration of the unreal engine, this is what the future of video games is shaping up to look like. This is great news for anyone with lots of money for new gaming hardware! *geekfap*
Comments: 1