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What goes on when you are not there!
Ever wonder what bears do when we're not looking? These images were captured with a remote wildlife camera as various species visited a "communications" or "rub" tree in Kananaskis Country. Bears are cool.
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If you've ever hit your nuts then will know what these guys are about to go through. Ooof, right in the babymaker. Or ex-babymaker. But if they're dumb enough to do this, do we really want their spawn walking the earth?
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Girl can dance! Woo's crowd AND it looks like she's having a great time. - COOL
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It's not just humans who can do impression things while filming themselves with a GoPro camera, animals can look super cool on these wearable cameras—and here's a bunch of them doing just that.
Comments: 2
BirGirPall gets in his boat and takes to the skies to pwn some newbs from unexpected angles. Campers with a spawn beacon on top of a building? Times to kick their asses from the deck of your badass boat.
Comments: 9
Sun Xi Zhong from China enters the Guinness Book of World Records after climbing 15 stairs using nothing but his head.
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You can't blame some animals for trying, even if the object of it's affection only has 2 legs! The deer's outlook on wives seems to be "Eh, you win some, you lose some.
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It probably is better that he can't smell anything because you never really forget the smell of burning charred flesh and brain cells cooking (if he has any at all) - WTF!?!.
Comments: 7
An eight-foot tall combat robot, RL7, that malfunctions, goes AWOL and memories start surfacing about its possible human past. Cue the military raining down on his ass to try and cover up the truth.
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Had an Unforgettable Night recently? Björn Borg has teamed up with Vogue nightlife photographer Pablo Frisk and Berlin club legend Sven Marquardt , who share what makes their stories on what makes an unforgettable night.
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You’ll very rarely hear someone talking about the one that got swallowed whole by a shark just as you were landing the fecker. If there wasn’t video, I wouldn’t believe it.
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