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Tight Dresses
We've never heard of a tight dress suffocating a young woman and we do hope the women in this gallery are all alright and able to breathe properly and live life to the full after these various shots were taken. MY GOD THESE DRESSES ARE TIGHT!
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Your wedding is supposed to be one magical day to remember. I certainly wouldn't forget my wedding day if I had one like any of these! WTF?
Comments: 6
This is a rotating boat lift in Scotland that connects two different canals that are 24 meters apart, it's an awesome feat of engineering. The design is based on the shape of the double-headed axe from Celtic tradition.
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Car Poolers is an absolutely amazing photo series by photographer Alejandro Cartagena who camped out on a freeway overpass in Mexico, taking photos of contraction workers sleeping in the back of trucks. He even caught the same van more than once.
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She's so hawt the Sun asked her to help out heating planet Earth, but when she tried her giant moons created a cosmic event that resulted in the death of an ancient civilisation who gave birth to the human race.
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There's nothing hotter than sexy chicks straddling big powerful machines! These girls could ride on the back of my bike any day!
Comments: 17
Where else can you get a job where you get to play with BFG's all day long & ride around in Humvees & helicopters & blow stuff up? Ok, so there might be a slight danger to your life, but think of the guns. The big honkin' guns!
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Before and after shots of your favorite or not so favorite celebrities! It's no wonder why they always seem to stay so young in magazines and movies!
Comments: 1
Advertising is balls. It's a fact. When you see a branded bit of content you tend to sigh heavily and attempt to block out the messages, jingles and catchphrases. It's about time someone subverted them in the name of lolz!
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No photo is safe, they've gone too far, targetting innocent civilian photos. These are not just photobombers they are professionals, ruining photo's at will. OH THE HUMANITY. Sign me up to the war on photobombers.
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The clue is in the title regarding the content of this coconut collective of nature's finest example of nature versus 'nom-age' - Confused? Then i suggest you find out the answer of the mammary mystery for yourself!
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