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The 'Iron Man' Trilogy in 2 Minutes
"Iron Man" is one man's dramatic journey from functioning alcoholic to functioning alcoholic in a death machine. And this is the abridged version of that story, if you couldn't be bothered to watch the films.
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it's the epitomy of a 'bad day at the office', you are full of rage, but no one and nothing to take it out on - Cue an innocent elevator that you failed to get into and let your fury fly.
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Here’s a “What If…” to ponder in those quieter moments of your day: What if those Jersey Shore guidobags spoke their particular vein of English in the style of Oscar Wilde? Don’t ponder it because this video does it for you.
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Rémi Gaillard - king of trolls - does the unthinkable in a car wash station. It'll make you chuckle because it exaggerates a common problem we all encounter regularly.
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I didn't know that David After Dentist had a sister, but they both have the same reaction to drugs.
Comments: 28
I never fail to get amused by females & FUBAR - This apparently happened after the Bay to Breakers festival in San Francisco. One booty-bouncing chick took that title a little too literally.
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This kid accidentally dunked himself through a basketball hoop during a Phoenix Suns halftime show. Looks like all that work preserving his girlish figure paid off!
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Nothing like an earthquake while you are live on the air to really test your professional zeal. KTLA Anchors dive under the NEWS DESK while a 4.4 Earthquake rumbles through Los Angeles.
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We all love a remake and we all love living in the past so here is the Finding Nemo as if it had just come out on the SNES like it was 1993 all over again, complete with pixelated 16-bit graphics to melt your geek heart.
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This is what happens when you pay the guy living on the benches on the sidewalk to paint the benches on the sidewalk.
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He's pretty damn good on that drumkit, and his solo came out of nowhere. So did his bizarre reaction to it (WAIT FOR IT!). It's almost as if he has an allergic reaction to his own innate awesomeness...
Comments: 10