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Start Me Up Prank
An ingenious prank for the leg humping perv in all of us. All you need is an elaborately designed wind-up mechanism on your back and a penchant for pelvic thrusts and you can be annoying pedestrians and making Youtube lol.
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There's a right way and a wrong way to lift a race car, and the guys in this video to an ample job of demonstrating the latter, so if you were looking to destroy a car then maybe you should call these guys up and they could do it for you.
Comments: 9
Talk about using up all of your 9 lives in one go - This curious cat is braver than most people. When he saw an alligator, he didn't back down, and came out on top! I wouldn't want to piss this pussy off!
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First there was the bra toolbox, and now it's a purse too. Is there anything that wonderful, wonderful bra can't do?
Comments: 1
People take personal fitness extremely seriously these days. Maybe a little too seriously. Not this lot though. It's hard to be serious while you're dropping a barbell on your throat or rolling around on a treadmill...
Comments: 0
Proof that college isn't just for smart people - He's definitely checked 'almost pull off classic prank' on his college to-do list - with some impressively sad results...... Next up is 'almost ask out girl.' - I can't wait - LMAO!
Comments: 7
This Sea Lion does sit ups like Rocky training for a fight.... Actually it looks more like Steven Seagal training for a big meal.
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Every major film blockbuster needs a wailing baby. Fact. Where would the movie Titanic be without a crying baby interrupting the most famous piece of dialogue from it? Or for that matter, where would 300 be?
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If you thought that victims of hurricanes of floods had it bad, wait til you hear about the plight of the denizens of southern L.A. They've had to put on coats and hats to play nighttime soccer. OH THE HUMANITY!
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Unsuspecting kid gets nailed by a slingshot from his older brother. If only they would of added one more instant replay to the clip, i think i might have ended up wetting myself - LOL!
Comments: 189
A supercut of all the behelmetted heroes in modern cinema. Well, all the ones that the guy making the supercut could find at least. There's a lot more than I was expecting to see, that's for sure.
Comments: 8