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Nosepod is new Ipod
Will the Nosepod become the hottest new gift of the 2009 Christmas shopping season? No one nose for sure.
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The lapdog of the Current UK Prime Minister would like to issue a heartfelt apology to all the people he lied to. TBH, it's not his fault. He's the minority in a coalition government. Cameron is the real turd in the punchbowl.
Comments: 3
This is what happens when two best friends make it to the championship round of a kickboxing tournament. They ruin the show for everyone who's come to spectate and don't even do a best of three.
Comments: 0
It's time to witness the near-impossible in skateboarding. Robbyn Magby pulls off an insanely difficult 720 double kickflip while being filmed with a 1000fps high speed camera. Impressive.
Comments: 1
Taking the form of an educational video for non-human space travellers, the video reveals the intimidating nature of the human race—we’re quite a scary bunch, especially before breakfast.
Comments: 0
Gullible passersby get tricked into believing this guy's phone is possessed by a zombie ghost girl. The idiots. Remember kids, it's not polite to make fun of the dead, unless they are the 'un'-dead :)
Comments: 1
Nobody likes a traffic warden, not even their parents or respective partners. They're like gingers, but gingers with authoritah. That's why it's so satisfying to watch one getting firmly put in his place.
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Looking at these pictures has reminded me of something, I've left a stack of washing up indoors...
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It might sound incredible and as though it's teetering on the edge of believability at the beginning but by the end it's flat out batsh#t cray-cray. It doesn't need an in depth debunking, just some humorous mockery.
Comments: 7
Whether it's a train dodge or a train duck, this is an incredibly stupid.
Comments: 0
Beardy? Skinny jeans? Have a taste in bands that no one’s ever heard of? Then you might be in need of a small dose of Unpretentiousil. It can target your brain directly so you will you be a total hipster doucheface.
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