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Mom Kicks Baby Elephant
Looks like Mom is in a bad mood today. This baby elephant brushes up against her leg and she gives him a swift kick down the side of a hill. Just remember lady that an elephant never forgets and will probably come and sit on you when it grows up!
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Upset by his use of the word "wigger," a dude punches this amateur rapper in the face. The punch appears to knock the guy's hairline back about six inches.
Comments: 1
Lets face it, Christmas isn't Christmas without a few bah hambugs and as these classic cuts from movies show, there are waay more of them than you might have thought. Have a crappy Xmas everyone!
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Even scarier than a Jimmy Saville pumpkin and more douchey than a Dane Cook Pumpkin. Yes, there's only one likeness that you should carve into you pumpkin this year if you want to explode the creep factor. David Cameron.
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I suppose he does deserve some sort of credit for lighting his fart, I just don't think he planned on igniting everything else in the process. How do you explain this one away?
Comments: 2
This kid is having trouble with bullies at school so he hits the gym to learn how to fight and the speed bag knocks him out.
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Mount & Blade, the medieval war game has got a mod where the action is transferred to modern day Glasgow, which is pretty medieval anyway so it should be a perfect fit.
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The cast of the Star Wars films sing along to the excruciatingly catchy ear worm du jour; Call Me Maybe. If you're a fan of the song, the films, or just Jar Jar Binks, this is totally worth a watch.
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I really don't think i could of ever made it through basic training. By the second 'Aye Sir' I would have been like 'Listen, figure out how you want me to hold this gun, then get back to me.' - It wouldn't have ended well.
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Arnie's acting and political career is all but over, he had to find something else to do with his time. So he has decided to sing pop classics in his own unique way. Freddie will be turning in his grave.
Comments: 5
Sometimes you don't have the balls to try a dangerous stunt and sometimes trying said stunt leaves you with NO balls! I don't think he was prepared for losing his V-card to be such a painful experience.
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