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Little Dude Gets Crushed By Hoop
This little kid tries to hang on the rim but ends up pulling the backboard off the garage and slamming it onto himself. It's a hard way to learn a lesson - LMAO!
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Gun safety was just as important in the old days as it is today, as this lady's failed firing attempt demonstrates.
Comments: 4
Proof that chicks dig Star Wars too - These cute girls feel the force for sure.. - UBER-COOL
Comments: 1
A cliche that has appeared time and time again in a whole bunch of your fav films. And, if you needed any proof of just how ubiquitous the phrase is, then it’s here in this supercut.
Comments: 0
Proving that the difference between WIN & FAIL is very slim - If you watch closely this diver still pulled off a pretty decent dive even after slamming her head against the board.
Comments: 26
How’s about this for creativity, and Herculean dedication? I get frustrated waiting for a microwave to cook my dinner, i’d have given up after someone had barely mentioned the idea. However…Needs moar mermaids!
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This poor guy didn't even know..-LOL
Comments: 6
I've not met many Australians but I think it's fair to say that it's highly plausible that every last one of them is exactly like this guy. Cosmic tuning forks, laser beams and weird noises. What a guy.
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Clearly, this supermarket likes to keep its beef very fresh.
Comments: 3
It's not often you get to see a woman of this caliber cavorting nakie by the side of the road, trying to flag down a willing ride. If i was driving past I wouldn't even hesitate. I'd hit her....with my car - OMG!
Comments: 316
It's a great little illusion and if you're looking for something to totally freak out the trick or treaters next year you could probably do a lot worse than this, that's if you can figure out how it's done...
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