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Lamp Cat
No pet enjoys having to wear the "cone of shame", but mockery clearly isn't going to help. Still, if I had to wear one of these I'm sure I'd get mocked too.
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I'm not sure exactly what the heck this thing is, but I'd surely poop a brick if I ever caught one! Then, after i had recovered and cleaned myself up I'd dump him in the public pool!
Comments: 1
This dude is in for a BIG surprise any second now and it's gonna teach him a very important life lesson - NEVER wear headphones on the beach and always have a rocket backpack handy!
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GTA taught me well, like hookers are free if you kill them & if you ever get shot in the head doctors should be able to clean that shit up in no time at all. Also, to avoid the police, just lock your bedroom door
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OMG-omg-omg! How the hell do these things grow so frikking big and how far do i live from the nearest one? Something tells me that being afraid of a tiny cockroach is not a good thing. Sh#t just got real.
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It's nice of your parents to check in to see you are ok, and of course doing what you are supposed to be doing. But sometimes keeping them in the picture might not quite be the right thing to do. LMAO
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You probably thought that "got ya nose" was funny. He didn't think so. He didn't think so at all and he wants that sh#t back, pronto. Be afraid.
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Hey you! Yeah you, working away there. Stop what you're doing and follow what this shoe shop sign's telling you to do. And if anyone questions your perverted activity, just show them the sign and tell them to join in. Fap.
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If you've ever had to suffer through a game of soccer you will probably know the feeling. Don't even think about going to get a drink because the minute you do, the only goal of the game will be scored.
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You can just imagine the sky-shattering cry erupting from this little dude's lungs. Give him another year and he'll be head first in the mosh pit breaking people's noses and smashing their skulls with the power of Beelzebub.
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Why they got to be hatin? If you find this van parked in your neighborhood, it might be a good time to find a new place to live - for your children's sake!
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