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Jump Man
There are a lot of time lapse videos out there of people taken over the course of years, but it's rare to see one that it's possible to watch from start to finish without dying of boredom. This guy keeps it entertaining!
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Where can an elephant get a decent snack these days?! I think I'll stick to hot dogs thansk!
Comments: 0
It's hard to tell what exactly they're advertising here, but who cares? They've rounded up a group of hot girls, dressed them all in bikinis and got them paddling around amsterdam's historic canals. All advertising should be like this.
Comments: 4
If you're a lazy b#stard who wants a segway but doesn't want to be THAT guy, then you can always buy yourself one of these. For a brief second you could fool someone into thinking you're almost cool. Possibly.
Comments: 1,403
Create some truly unique characters with their own distinct, and crazy, personalities. COOL!
Comments: 0
A little protip on this one, if you look really really closely you'll notice there are people dressed in black moving all the stuff. Yup, as incredible as you thought this guy was, it's actually just a trick. WIld, huh?
Comments: 6
Sometimes animals do things that humand find.....Dumb. I have no idea why the dog did what he did, but I think you can tell he feels pretty stupid afterwards. Or he is on a higher plane of intelligence?
Comments: 281
During the UCI Track Cycling World Championship, Julie Leth wipes out and takes four other cyclists with her, snapping American Shelley Evan's bike in half as she flips over her handlebars. FAIL Awesomeness!
Comments: 1
Girl can dance! Woo's crowd AND it looks like she's having a great time. - COOL
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Master Chief takes on a couple of Call of Duty noobs and a juggernaut in a battle to the death, as the PS4 battles the Xbox One in this epic vid from RackaRacka.
Comments: 212
After sitting through all the previous Resident Evil movies these three gents finally have their collective will broken by the fourth film's climactic crescendo. This should totally be a commentary track on the DVD...
Comments: 1