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How Low Can You Go ?
Kitchen foreplay can have a habit of getting totally out of control !
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Or we'd never get to watch attempted thieves make fools of themselves.. LOL
Comments: 2
Even in the animal kingdom sex can be a problem. He thinks this date has gone really well so it's time to make his move. She seems receptive, but then just at the last minute pulls away and leaves him hanging!
Comments: 41
Three of the best BMX riders in the world–Jaie Toohey, Cam White and Jed Mildon–take on some of the biggest BMX dirt jumps in the world. Which can only mean you’re going to enjoy the next few minutes of your life.
Comments: 0
There are only a few things more truly terrifying than religious television - There truly is a god and his name is Rick Ashley - AMEN!
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If you missed the first two installments of Mass Effect or if you just fancy a recap, Dan Bull is here to oblige. Thanks to his lyrical prowess you have no excuses for not being completely up to speed and redy for Mass Effect 3!
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A worrying trend is on the increase - male My Little Pony fans. They should be treated as the abominations that they are and shunned by all members of a civilized society. Give them an inch and they'll take a Barbie.
Comments: 2
All Billy Joel's greatest hits from disc 1 of The Essential Billy Joel, all 18 of them, played at the same time. It sounds sort of like you imagine a monstrous hell hole would that came to swallow the earth once the sun had died & exploded.
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I think it's official. Bike officers must be the ones who aren't smart enough to graduate the police academy but are willing to get on a bike wearing those stupid shorts.
Comments: 178
Meeting members of the opposite sex shouldn't be as difficult as this, that is if you still want them to be alive when you introduce yourself. Next time be a man and just buy her a drink like the rest of us.
Comments: 2
Quick, someone call Michael Ironside and maybe miniaturize Dina Meyer and Denise Richards for a communal shower scene. This weird little creepy crawler looks like something from Starship Troopers.
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