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Hi-Speed Street Luge Faceplant
A hipster Longboarder casually rides in front of a street luge race and collides with one of the racers. Proof that trying to be too cool can end up being very painful!
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You might think twice before calling out an old man on being gay.. But it's fun to watch...
Comments: 0
You may’ve thought that Jurassic Park was beyond ridicule, but you were wrong, even CGI dinosaurs can get laughed at. Although Spielberg’s movie is no doubt awesome, it did involve some ridiculous plot holes and science.
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Dear Oracle: today I learned that the best friends are the ones who drop by when you least expect it, and save you from a head-on semi truck collision. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that Rainbow Dash is The One...
Comments: 1
If the thought of a fungus that works its way into your brain, controls your actions, then erupts out of you head into a fruiting body, spreading itself to other organisms doesn't terrify you, I don't know what will.
Comments: 9
If, after watching this, the word 'Coins' still sounds like a word and not just a meaningless string of sounds held together by a sense of vague familiarity, you win! Guess what you've won! Some coins! Yay!
Comments: 1
The Paranormal Activity series sucks so much that the only entertainment to be had with it is in making fun of it. If you hadn't guessed, that is exactly what this video is doing. Still a better love story than Twilight.
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Man, why's this taking so long to pop? I'm hungry...oh, right, this is as filmed at 7000 frames per second. I can wait.
Comments: 3
That last move makes it look like she doesn't have bones in her body.. OUCH
Comments: 16
If it exists and it’s badass, then a Lego version of it must be created — that’s one of the rules of the internet along with rule 34. And so the new Star Trek movie trailer gets recreated in everyone’s favorite toy building block.
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Sure, it's probably not much use on the battlefield but I guess it shows they train fairly diligently. If you don't take your eyes away every now and then I'm sure it starts to melt your brain a little...
Comments: 91