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Hawt Starter Chick Passes Out
"Gentlemen STOP your engines!" This lady needs to sleep! Looks like this starter chick was out a bit too late partying the night before a race and promptly passes out on the hood of one of the race cars.
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So the unofficial mascot of heinous perversion has finally hit the mainstream and people are taking it VERY seriously. Perhaps a little too seriously. I think these people should get out a bit more...
Comments: 0
Cats are cute and seeing as you're on the internet reading this you're probably a fan yourself. here's a video of one doing the cutest thing a cat can do: attemping to do something that humans do.
Comments: 131
It's often said that you never forget the first time, that unforgettable buzz, the pulsing electric feel...
Comments: 1
A compilation of boys who can't stay on their bikes.. LOL
Comments: 0
If your girlfriend dumps you just make a video like this and she'll be running back to you quicker than you can say "make me a sammich". If this doesn't work then she's a heartless bitch & you're better off with out her.
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I'm not great at math but I can tell the product of that equation will be AWESOMENESS. The stretchiness of a prophylactic versus the raw power of a mentos and coca cola explosion. Which will win? Place your bets now!
Comments: 1
Kid kicks ball, kid fails, so what? The subtle difference here is that he is slightly porky. If the internet has managed to show us one thing over the years it's that fat people falling over is very, VERY funny.
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Laughing at fat chicks is the very reason I drag my sorry ass out from under the covers each morning. So you can only imagine my joy at seeing a fat chick faceplanting when trying to jump through a gymnastic hoop.
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Don't have time to eat that corn-on-the-cob the old fashioned way? want another use for your Black & Decker power drill that will impress and amuse your friends? Combine those problems and craft one awesome solution!
Comments: 102
After seeing this dog's skills, the pool sharks are sure to be just a little bit jealous.
Comments: 41