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Drunk Welsh Cyclist Fail
In Wales, UK they like to get incredibly drunk, so drunk that they can't even ride their bike home after heading out to the local taverna for a few light ales after a hard day's graft—face meet floor.
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This kid has it all - But all he is interested in is playing video games the little nerdlinger.
Comments: 0
This girl's got it all.. A nice body, a bubble bath, and a LOT of rubber duckies - wtf???
Comments: 15
I don't know a lot about pirouettes, but I can tell that busting out 40 of them in a row is an impressive feat. The kicker is that this kid is only 8 years old. Apparently the previous world record was 36.
Comments: 2
Even soccer stars like Fabregas cross over to the dark side !
Comments: 1,786
Or we'd never get to watch attempted thieves make fools of themselves.. LOL
Comments: 2
What's full of protein then? You should be careful when and where you shake you know. People could get the wrong idea really easily. Just imagine if the cops saw them doing this.
Comments: 1
Kittens have a storied history of misadventures with mittens, and this is just the latest chapter in the story. STOP GIVING KITTENS MITTENS!
Comments: 2
A short, simple video that achieves the perfect double whammy of an amusing failed attempt at a pull up with the heady delights of a lovely lady in a bra and short shorts. All it needs is a kitten and it'd be the perfect internet video!
Comments: 7
Aerial vision filmed with a quadcopter off Esperance, along south Western Australia's beautiful coastline. Huge pods of bottlenose dolphins cruise the shoreline and surf the crystal clear turquoise waves.
Comments: 5
"Officer, clearly I have no problem with driving. Pulling over on the other hand is really difficult."
Comments: 7