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Daughter Doesn't Like Me Because I'm Fat
There are some things that, as a parent, it's very hard to hear. Hearing that you daughter doesn't like you and her friends mock you, just because of your weight is tough. This guy has a good coping mechanism though.
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The waiting is nearly over, once again it's time to become the assassin who calls the shadows home - COOL!!!
Comments: 0
I bet its a pretty safe bet that even with snow on the ground this guy would of still wipeout on the jump.
Comments: 2
In the past people who worked in IT were freaks with itchy cardigans made from social paranoia.
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After a second round TKO, fans and trainers jump into the ring and nearly brawl. An innocent fan trying to calm everyone down ends up getting clocked in the jaw.
Comments: 2
The Oscars aren't going to know what's hit them next year - It's her fighting/action skills that will really impress. By the looks of it she could give Bruce Lee a run for his money, if he were still alive.
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This chick dances around the room and crashes through a table, proving that there are some girls who will do anything for attention. Medical attention
Comments: 214
You don't have to be a genius at maths to realise that while one cute chick is a dream, two will be an experience that will be doubly difficult to forget!
Comments: 8
The good news is there's definitely doing to be Netflix Daredevil season 3, the bad news is it might not be out for a little while yet.
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Toast, who doesn’t like it? These guys liked it so much they made a video & stole the bread from starving orphans of the world, then forced them to watch this video while laughing manically. Maybe. Neat vid btw.
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Legs-that-go-on-forever Ling has got just about the most perfect trim body i have ever had the pleasure to witness !
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