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Band Has One Good Fan
The band has a strict "No Groupies" policy, but that's mainly because this guy is the only one interested in the job.
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As if the devastation befalling Japan isn’t heartwrenching and appalling enough, there’s always one sick, twisted individual looking for attention. Praying to an absent God for the death of 1000s!
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We’ve all read in the news the grim stories of when a teenager takes their life because they’re being bullied online. In this harrowing film, the message of how to deal with them is conveyed: if you become a target of online bullies.
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At the 2014 Allentown Comic Con a cosplay contest was judged by celebrity cosplayer Riki Lecotey. To keep the crowd entertained they asked a spot-on Peter Griffin cosplayer to take the mic & he KILLED it!
Comments: 2
Two bikers flip over the handlebars and faceplant after trying to showoff in front of a crowd waiting on a street race to start. See it's true, karma is real and happens to douchebags!
Comments: 3
Kids! They write the funniest internet video sketches! To get your vids noticed on YouTube it’s good to have a gimmick. The gimmick for this show is kids pretending to be a salesman and a customer.
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The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon explains the meanings behind some of President Obama's many different facial expressions. Like his "Bitch, Please" or the lesser-known facial expressions like the "Heeeeyyyy."
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It's incredibly cute but I couldn't help thinking that in those sort of numbers, despite their youth and inexperience, they probably could have swarmed him and brought him down...
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So your mate’s got a new girlfriend, she’s super hot, she’s seems smart, but there’s one little thing that could be a bit of a problem. He met her in a chatroom and it turns out she’s not quite the age he thought she was.
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I never was that big of a fan of the original version, but i know good music when i hear it and the Tourettes Karaoke guy fixed it for me. I wonder when he has an album coming out?
Comments: 12
Something tells me this might not be the real Superman. He's not wearing his usual spandex and he's not speaking English. Still, it's a pretty good party trick and this guy really commits to the role.
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