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Bag Head Cat FAIL!
It's a corny thing to say but 'I guess that's what happens when you don't let the cat out of the bag' - Sometimes you just have to say to yourself 'WTF!?!' and just try and find no reason for some things!
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A jet ski loses control and slams into a families picnic table.
Comments: 2
It's been done before but by god this is awesome. A couple of knowing looks from the master of the universe, a zoom in on his furry pants and a montage of him working out, all to the cheeseball sounds of LMFAO. Genius.
Comments: 1
This grandma gets a nasty shock as shark tries to attack her through some glass, and the fright of it sends her flying backwards to land right on her butt—she definitely won't be doing that again in a hurry.
Comments: 0
Nobody likes a traffic warden, not even their parents or respective partners. They're like gingers, but gingers with authoritah. That's why it's so satisfying to watch one getting firmly put in his place.
Comments: 0
Whether you’re on live TV or not, when you got to smoke, you got to smoke. Just don’t bogart that joint, there are rules to follow and it’s good to see Zach passes that doob around. Sharing’s caring yo.
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TED have covered a LOT of ground in their various talks and seminars, but there's one thing they've neglected to tackle thus far; the zombie apocalypse. Thankfully they are rectifying this with an animated discussion of zombiism.
Comments: 2
Language is a funny thing. All it takes is a slight mispronunciation of one word and an entire sentence can be rendered totally hilarious. If that sentence is used to teach the language then it's a joke that'll keep on giving!
Comments: 19
If this robot was dealing me cards I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw it. Which probably wouldn't be that far. Someone should teach it some slight of hand card magic though, just for the hell of it.
Comments: 2
It's almost like that scene ot of LOTR when Gandalf strikes his staff on the ground and shouts "You shall not pass", except in this case it's s freight train and i don't think it understands human language!?
Comments: 5
Take some bonus rock song from the Harry Potter soundtrack, re-edit some of the scenes from the movie and you have Harry Potter in a completely new light. Now when's the release date?
Comments: 2