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Back For The Future
It's Back To The Future with the least subtle in-jokes and nods to the movies you'll ever hear, but admit it. You still kinda want a pair of these don't you? Well there's only 1500 in the world auctioning for $3.5k to $10k.
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When you watch this in slow motion it's surprising how much this kids face compresses when the ball slams into it.
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Watch this guy throw his hand-crafted Batarang, constructed it with the best 10ply Finnish birch on the market and even available to buy—not sure if it'll turn you into a superhero vigilante though.
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Everyone loves a blast on Mario Kart on the DS from time to time, even 007 - Just to show off what an all round badass he is, Bond will not only fire a blue shell up your ass but he’ll do it in the middle of a car chase. What a guy!
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Wow we haven't seen one of these for a while, to be honest i thought they had given up the ghost. I don't want to give the answer away but it looks delicious.
Comments: 1
Those trees might look all innocent, standing there all tall and that, growing real slow and looking like they’re just minding their own. But! There’s another side to them, a side that it takes a special kind of person to see.
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This gang have some weak bikes but you got to give this dude some credit for a pretty nice trick up until he wiped out in the end.
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“Macho-macho man, i want to be a macho-salad man!”, ok, so maybe that needs a bit of work but we are talking about f#cking salad here! You have to remember, REAL men only eat meat - WTF?!
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Hey, if you had any doubts about the USA being the absolute fucking money, then look no further than Doug Stanhope, all-night bars, more choices for breakfast and road names and layouts that actually make sense.
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So Google Glass went into limited beta release, with select customers allowed to use the technology for 24 hours. Derrick Hannan used his to film the St Paddy’s Day weekend, recording people’s drunken debauchery.
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Oh god. Such a simple idea but packed with so much in I'm crying tears of joy. Out of my pee hole. Seriously though, if all trailers were like this the world would be a far better place. At least you wouldn't be disappointed.
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