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25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes
Scenes that were either unscripted in part or in their entirety, here's the ultimate list of the top 25 such moments. Some of these may surprise you due to their awesomeness, others are more renowned.
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James Cameron teams up with George Lucas, JJ Abrams and Michael Bay to make the ultimate version of Titanic. I'm fairly sure that this is a parody, but it's so close to reality that's it's hard to tell...
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How comes the dumb ones always get the fun jobs.. - LOL
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This starts out uber hawt, and it just gets better and better as the clothes get less and less. After watching it I had to go and sit in my giant freezer for a few minutes just to cool down. Dayam.
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Always expect the unexpected. When it comes to girls, they usually get a headache before wrapping their legs around this guy, so in a weird kinda way this is really a step up for him.
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This clip will make you want to look closely before making a turn - OMFG!
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Yes, it was the day that nothing was happening anywhere in the world, so the news people had nothing to do but stand around and try to look like they weren’t just a waste of salary.
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Damien Walters? Spider Man? They're punks compared to this wall climber.
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They're just like summer fails, but with more people falling into frozen lakes. And of course it's frikking COLD!
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Everyone loves the part in the movie where the camera pans in on a character’s anguished face as they open their mouth & scream an ear-piercing “NOOOOO!”. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t.
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With a vague whiff of assassins creed, Ryan shows of his gymnastic prowess, pirouetting and spinning through the air like a Red Bull sponsored ballerina. If you're wondering where he is, he's in Turkey.
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