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100 Best Movie "Shut Up"s
"Shut up" might not seem like the best phrase for a cinema supercut, but there are a lot of them, some simple, some embellished but all of them awesome. I reckon if anything it was probably hard picking just 100 of them...
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They might not be able to jump but as this seriously jammy reporter illustrates, they can swoosh one in from the halfway line just fine. Unless this is a sneaky viral of course, but I doubt that.
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The goal here is to climb to the top of the pole as it falls toward the other side of the lake. This guy looks like he makes it until his pole snaps sending him face first into the sand.
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She starts off well, she's not wearing very much, which is always a good start. Maybe she could do with loosing the sweat pants, but still. She starts sauntering about, working it, teasing but then it all goes fail.
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If you've seen Dan Balan's music video for Chica Boom, you were probably just as conflicted as the rest of us. It has lovely ladies but also a blown out hair sporting douchebag. This version just has the former. Thanks, internet!
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This old guy smashes a jewel thief into his countertop then throws him over the top of it, chasing the thieves from his store. These were just jewels. You should see what he does when people try to steal his Centrum Silver.
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After impaling his junk on this post, this guy will always have this video to remind him of the last time he was one of the guys.
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After pretending to rob someone in broad daylight at an ATM (the “victim” is in on the prank too), many times over, inevitably a hero steps in and dishes out some justice with his fists.
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While on stage in Bulgaria this weekend Madonna briefly passed out and fell back on one of her dancers but hardly missed a beat coming back within seconds and continuing the performance.
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It might have taken a while to surface but Tim Dawg was all over the east coast in the 90's and wasnt standing for anything of NWA.
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Possibly the most daring, death defying stunt you will ever see. This brave soul put his life in his hands as he sits atop a speeding sledge aimed straight for not one, not two but three firey rings. God speed.
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