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RIP Journalism
If it wasn't already dead, it definitely is now. reporting that one celebrity has unfollowed another celebrity as if it is something that should matter to anybody is the sound of journalistic failure.
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This is either very creative and motivating advertising or it's cruel and unusual punishment to the locals. I haven't decided which yet.
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Just what the hell was that crappy song by Rebecca Black all about? It wasn't just sent from hell to torture us to death by choking on hate. No, it was about the JFK assassination of course. Duh.
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The end of the world is drawing near and if you believe in prophecy than you cannot fail to see the warning signs. In case you need some reminding what these signs are you can see the destruction of our planet unfolding here.
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Your pastries must be more severe! Seriously though, this is both terrifying AND adorable. I must have it! Grab your credit cards and follow me to google! TO GOOGLE!
Comments: 2
This is a real tough one to work out, things like this stop you in your tracks and make you ponder the mysteries of the universe in order to make the right choice. It's a mindf#ck!
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Now this is something that, depending on your feelings towards her, could yield some very interesting answers. Ladies: For the future, always to ask 'what' is actually over before responding.
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The canon of European art is lauded, and rightly so. It's got some fine fleshy paintings that can stir a man's heart. But you can't help thinking it could somehow be improved. And it can, by adding cats.
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You GOT Transparency! In politics it's a fight to the death - It kinda looks like Julien Assange gave Obama a lot more transparency than he bargained for - PWND!
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All the destinations you could ever want to go to and exactly how to get there, job done. Now all i have to do is go pack!
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It turns out that when faced with 20 or more extremely desirable items causeing 20 instances of the emotional DO WANT response, a dog's brain will go into full meltdown and they will pull a hilarious expression. Like this!
Comments: 3