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Today's Websites In The Past
Ahhhh, the golden age of the interwebs, what a time that was, such innocence! It starts off slow but it was all worth it for Redtube in the 1900's!
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Was he ever a president? No, however I do think this new design for the thousand dollar bill would single-handedly solve all our economic problems! It's good knowing he's out there.
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Alcohol is good, alcohol is fun, but alcohol is also a nasty evil mudda who will do strange things to your eyes and change your vision to see things that are NOT there - Try and remember that if you can :(
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The duckface is quite simply the most annoying facial expression that humanity can achieve and seing it constantly all over facebook and the like just makes it worse. God knows why anyone would want it inked...
Comments: 2
What your cat does in the privacy of your bathroom is probably best kept between your cat and the porcelain. It's anybody's guess why his hand is in the john but that look on his face says he was up to something...
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Who would have thought that a bunch of head banging metal men would have such divinely lustrous locks? Seriously? It's enough to make Rapunzel say "DAYUM!".
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It might take you a second or two to spot him, but that noselessness is unmistakable. It's "He who shall not be named, chilaxing in the sun.
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Want a girlfriend? Follow this chart boys and it's the only pie you'll be getting, apart from mom's apple variety.
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If you've never watched I.T. Crowd then you've missed out on some of the best comedy to come out of britain since the BNP political party manefesto. Seriously, get on it and join the cult of Moss!
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Just what the hell was that crappy song by Rebecca Black all about? It wasn't just sent from hell to torture us to death by choking on hate. No, it was about the JFK assassination of course. Duh.
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You know all those total loser dweeboids who update their Facebook status on a Friday night and stuff. What wastes of space, right? Well, you know how someone would know that right? Loser.
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