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RIP Music
They used to show music videos, but that was back in the days when music was still actually good, before Justin Bieber ruined it forever.
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I think she should be the next to run for the first female president. She's definitely got the experience part down.. -LOL
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You pays your money and you get what you pays for....Sometimes. Here's a selection of stadium design fails from around the world that would seriously make you wish you stayed at home and watched it on TV.
Comments: 4
If you're thinking of getting an iPhone 5 you need to ask yourself a few questions first: Is it a unicorn that can shoot rainbows out its ass? No? Then you really don't need one. Unless there's an app for that.
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He may be a notorious tough guy who used to work for the KGB & now controls Russia, but he likes nothing more than to wave at animals, providing they wave back of course. If they don't, he can get real angry.
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Because everyone would look so much cooler if they were played by Nick Cage. even run of the mill techno heads like Skillex. Long live Nick Cage!
Comments: 4
Even eldritch witch-kings need to poop every once in a while. Not something you'll see in the films, but it had to happen at some point, right?
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Seems a bit steep of a price to me. I'll sell you my ass candy for only 99 cents a pound!
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It don't matter how big you are, size is totally unimportant in these circumstances, it's all about what you do with it...oh, and of course what color it's painted!
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Those goddamn body scanners, huh? Exposing all our flabby, transfat-ridden bodies. Must be a helluva job. Well here's a way to wind them up while sticking up for your rights: 4th amendment underwear. Take that Mr Security Man!
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They begin to learn at such a young age..
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