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Hipster Humor
Mocking the hipster is something that absolutely everyone can get behind. Nobody likes hipsters, not even hipsters. They're like nazis or zombies.
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If you stare really hard you can find it, it looks like a big red arrow & its making a loud fapping sound!
Comments: 1
There's just so many unanswered questions when you closely examine the events leading up to the destruction of the Death Star at the end of Episode IV. Why did Darth break protocol and pilot that TIE fighter?
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A REAL perfect girlfriend will never know she holds that title, she will sit with you patiently while you play WOW & not make a fuss when you go out drinking with your buddies. Yep, i must be dreaming again :(
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You can see some of the policemen visibly salivating at the prospect of a delicious donut. I reckon if all of these badboys had sprinkles they'd crack and be grabbing at them before you could say bacon.
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We've found the current SFW/NSFW warning system far too simple for internet surfers needs. Please use this new labeling system for all future posts. Thank you for your cooperation.
Comments: 20
To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
Comments: 5
They begin to learn at such a young age..
Comments: 1
George Carlin knew how it went. He knew the childish absurdities inherent in an system where you have to put belief in a omnipotent being that looks down from heaven and wants to both punish and love you. It's crazy fantasy.
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In every way possible, this guy is awesome and needs to be celebrated throughout the internets. Trolling girls on dating sites is one thing, trolling them in such spectacular style is tantamount to genius.
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Seriously, if you're at a loss for something to stick in the DVD player to entertain those kids you're babysitting, this looks like a solid bet...
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