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Too Wasted To Pitch A Tent!
I'm not surprised by this. I had heard that consuming irresponsible quantities of alcohol could make it difficult to erect a tent. A few more and they'll be sleeping under the stars.
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This guy tries to kick his dog into a lake but loses his balance and falls off his rock into the water.
Comments: 3
Using an iPhone 4 and you get some slightly weird results filming a guitar. It picks up on the individual osculations of the strings at just the right frequency to make them look all cool and wibbly-wobbly.
Comments: 7
Prepare for moar chick abuse! It looks like he’s back for an extended drum solo, but this time he’s down-scaled on the drums - But she doesn't look too happy about it, tits or no tits.
Comments: 0
Chest cushions so big that they'll eclipse your view! And herein lies the drawback - the one and ONLY drawback - of having giant janglies
Comments: 0
This kid had no chance of pulling off this trick and even in the slim chance he didn't land on his face all he could brag about was how he jumped off a 2 foot rail. This has FAIL written all over it!
Comments: 1
Looks like Men In Black is about to Time Jump the shark. If you enjoyed Men In Black and think that all it was missing was a hokey time travel storyline, you'll love this. Personally I'm not holding out high hopes.
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Something tells me that this might not be exactly as it happened. Whether it's the poorly shooped Doakes head, the unbalanced audio or the actual content of the solution. Who cares though, it still gave me lolz.
Comments: 2
Genius. From what I can gather this is actually really real. Someone has created a robotic toilet shaped goalie that defends the goal by firing it's contents at the incoming ball with such velocity that it blasts the ball clear.
Comments: 2
A duck that could easily fly to the other side of the highway decides to be more adventurous and tries to walk it. I think what we have here is another bird species trying to play chicken?
Comments: 1
Wow, this is… interesting. It’s like if Snooki went to Japan, came back a Ganguro Girl and started to make pop music. It’s reminiscent of when the circus comes to town — Roll up! Roll up! Come see the freak!
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